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List of Projects:

  1. EcoWET –Evaluation of ecosystem services of wetland ecosystems in the cross-border area of Croatia – Serbia (development of methodology procedures, assessment of status and ecosystem services)

  2. Bat species sampling in selected cave localities (Ćulumova pećina, Topola peć, Tradanj, Bijele river source)

  3. Bat fauna survey in Velika i Mala Pećina in Kličevica canyon

  4. Monitoring of bat maternity colonies in National park Krka

  5. Survey of cave Bijaka on the island Braču (biospeleological sampling, water analysis)

  6. Assessment of the succession degree of Odransko polje for the purpose of revitalization and permanent maintenance of favourable habitats for corn-crake (Crex crex)

  7. Monitoring of frequent bird species on agricultural areas for the purpose of calculating the Farmland Bird Index PRR 2014-2020

  8. Flora and vegetation survey, bird species survey and assessment of conservation value of the area for the implementation of the project „Environmental impact assessment for the tourist resort Zablaće near Šibenika – Phase I.“

  9. Risk assessment of wild plant introduction and cultivation (risk assessment for the introduction and the invasiveness for Miscanthus x giganteus and Panicum virgatum)

  10. Biotic monitoring as part of the project “DRAVA LIFE – Integrated River Management” (plant species and habitats, invertebrates, birds, ichthyofauna and herpetofauna)

  11. Lichen flora survey as part of the biological and ecological survey and the restoration plan for the old riverbed of Mirna river (collecting and determination of samples and data analysis)

  12. EU Natura 2000 Integration Project (NIP) – collecting new data about distribution for 11 taxonomic groups in Croatia (fieldwork and data analysis for the collection of new inventory data)

  13. Analysis and processing of wolves pack data for Dalmatia (field sampling)

  14. Monitoring highway permeability for animals

  15. Monitoring the impact of a waste dump on the golden jackal population in Nature park Lonjsko polje

  16. Wolf and wild cat survey and monitoring in Nature park Biokovo

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