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DRAVA LIFE - example of good practice

Minister of Environment and Energy Slaven Dobrović, singled out Project „DRAVA LIFE – integrated river management“ as an example of good practice for flood protection which is based on the use of natural flood areas. In his press release, Minister Dobrović said:

The main objective of the project is to improve river Drava ecosystem in Croatia. Restoration activities will be of immense benefit to threatened habitats and species in Natura 2000 areas and will contribute to better flood protection in populated areas along the Drava River and increase the recreational value of the area.

As part of the Project, Geonatura Ltd. will perform the biological monitoring to assess the status of biological diversity in the project area before and after the completion of project activities, in order to estimate the impact of the Project on the Natura 2000 sites. The press release can found on the Ministry of Environment and Energy website:

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