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List of Projects:

  1. Research activities for the preparation of the Concept solution for enhancement of navigability of Drava River from river mouth to Osijek Port (Ichthyological, ornithological and the study of distribution of key habitat types)

  2. Biological and ecological survey and baseline documentation preparation for the restoration plan for the old riverbed of Mirna river (flora and vegetation survey, macrozoobenthos sampling)

  3. Appropriate Assessment Screening and hydrological analysis for the river regulation Study of the Erdut-Dalj side arm

  4. Appropriate Assessment Screening for securing the overhead power line column on the left bank of the old river bed of Drava on rkm 251, by the hydropower plant HE Dubrava

  5. Environmental Protection Study for the project „Protection of the right river bank of Drava river near Gabajeva Greda“

  6. Environmental Protection Study for the construction of the siphon in the main dyke of Mura river, on the section km 16,4-22,6

  7. Environmental Protection Study for the Mura river side arm restoration near Žabnik, Municipality Sv. Martin on Mura (as part of the project „IPA Good Water for All“)

  8. Appropriate Assessment Study for the project zahvat „River bank protection of Zrmanja river“

  9. Appropriate Assessment Study for the Dunav river waterway maintenance on the location Batina

  10. Defining biologically and environmentally acceptable flow of Rječina river

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