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Geonatura d.o.o. gathers team of experts with rich experience in field of applied ecology who actively participate in achieving the objectives of nature protection. Our work activities include implementation of fundamental biological research (inventory and monitoring of flora, fauna and habitats), as well as specialized projects and research associated with use and management of natural resources, climate change adaptation and sustainable development.

The results obtained through fundamental biological research enable us to assess the nature’s current state, plan future activities, set nature protection objectives, as well as the preparation and implementation of various projects and procedures (Natura 2000 Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Assessment, management plans for protected areas, programs and reports on the state of nature).

Furthermore, the work on specialized projects encompasses research aimed at the development of the Energy sector (particularly renewable energy), water management and the development of strategic and spatial planning documents. As part of these research activities, we perform species distribution mapping (invasive, rare and endangered), habitat mapping, spatial analysis of biodiversity, mapping and assessment of ecosystem services, as well as planning and implementation of green infrastructure projects and nature-based solutions.

Geonatura employees complement their knowledge and expertise with an excellent grasp and comprehension of GIS tools and the application of modern scientific methods (including remote sensing, ecological modelling, radar tracking of birds, telemetry tracking of large carnivores, etc.). Take a look at some of our projects:

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